
Needle + Thread - Street Cred

One of my favorite Seattle fashion bloggers, Needle + Thread, caught me on the street! Check it out!


lydia said...


Laura Gerencser said...

So cute! Love the color of the tights!!!

Unknown said...

those shoes... i want! :)

The Queen of Hearts said...

I absolutely love your color! There is something so rich and refreshing about the shade.

Bern / Decade Diary said...

I love your skirt... anything with feathers is always a yes! xo

amanda said...

the fringe! oh my goodness, adorable!

Violet said...

I like the tights you look cute

Vi from Cali

Bernardo said...

Hun, you just have the cute clothes. My panties don't match my blouse today, but no one will know! lol

debra@dustjacket said...

Love it, tights are fab and so is the dress!


Anonymous said...

adorable tights! :)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Love that feather trim sticking out!
How is it that I've been in WA for a couple of months now and don't really know any WA blogs...?

agentnoir said...

love, love, love your shoes!!

Greetz from Tiz said...

your look is great!

KV said...

Aww congrats haha<3
love your shoes ;)

muchlove said...

You look great! I love the colours of your outfit.

Slices of Beauty... said...


Hadley said...

awwwwesome tights!

Sierra said...

I love the frays at the end of your dress, you look darling!

Aya Smith said...

Adorable, I love the looks the whole combination creates :)

la said...

Love all the colors, all of them work so well with each other!

indigotangerine said...

great outfit, i didn't even know we had a street style blog (not for the lack of looking) I'll have to check it out

reckless daughter said...

fabulous dress & tights!

your blog is making me miss Seattle! :(

mina said...

What a lovely outfit!