
Interview with the Seattle pi


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Loved your answer on what you wore in high school. Also, crop tops are so impossible for 95% of the population to wear.

Amelia said...

Congratulations! Great interview. It was really interesting to read.

Natalie J Monty said...


You’ve made my day :-)

I'm officially off school now so there'll be plenty of stylish posts heading your way! lol!

Much love <3

Anna said...

ah, let´s take a look (:

yiqin; said...

Awesome boots!! :)

claradevi said...

Hi there! Thank you for coming to my blog and made me find yours too - you're amazing and wonderful blog. I love reading the posts - they're all so alive, full of emotions and honest. I follow and add you to my fellow bloggers lists - hope you don't mind!

ps : nice interview. your answers are smart and helpful! i love the fact that you're style is also changing over times - make me feel normal, i guess :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, congrats on the interview! That's pretty exciting! Thanks for the link to your sister's photography, I just checked it out and I love it. She shoots a lot of nature and architecture.

Hope all is well,

P.S. Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my guest post on the English Muse!

Vicki said...

Love this outfit!
thanks 4 stopping by my blog!:)
much love from Ireland xx

Sierra said...

What a great article and your outfits are just stunning! Okay, you definitely need to try out the hammock by your house. It is just calling your name this weekend! ;)

micol zanzuri said...

love this look

KV said...

Cute pic :) xx

Unknown said...

loove this picture of you! love it! and what a fabulous interview!! Skinny jeans all the way!
Hope you have a a great weekend! (and use the pool..a lot!!)

This chick's got style said...

Cool interview and very pretty outfit!


debra@dustjacket said...

Great interview and pictures, nice to find out more about you.


orange sugar home said...

what an outfit!! I remember standing under that bridge when I was living in seattle for a summer during college. what a summer!! thanks for visiting osh!! you have a lovely blog.

lydia said...

I love that behind you a kid is picking the trolls nose... yes, that was one of the first things I noticed about the shot, haha! You are super cute baby sis!

Darrah said...

Haha I know!! We couldn't get him out of the shot, and then a whole tour bus came by!

Anonymous said...

cute headband! :)

Fashionisaparty.com (Suz) said...

thanks for your comment!
this black and white look is really gorgeous!

Tiffany said...

love the interview and the outfits. you always look so great!