I don't normally promote t-shirt lines as legitimate clothing lines simply because they don't make the actual t-shirts. They usually only make the print on the t-shirt. However, I stumbled along this Etsy collection at a local festival a few weeks ago and fell in love. The t-shirts are American Apparel (which I love) but the creative copy is all theirs! These one-of-a-kind creations were designed in Portland with care, silliness, and a great love for books and the book lover. Check out more of their products on their website.
Green Eggs and Hamlet
"Green Eggs and Hamlet you will learn
Bout Rosencrantz & Guildenstern
And Sam-I-am up in a Tree
Will quote you famed Soliloquies
Just try some Shakespeare this I plead
The question's "To Read or Not to Read."

"We read to know we are not alone." - CS Lewis

The one I picked up at the festival was pink and spoke to me as an English language lover. It reads, "English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them on the head and goes through their pockets looking for loose grammar." It makes all English majors feel pretty bad ass. That's why I got it!
Great t-shirt finds. They are like the new modern art of wearable expression, no?
love the third one..i want to have it now
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