
Q&A: Eunice Poon

I was listening to classical piano while I was writing the other day. I could hear my tapping on the keyboard fall in sync with the keystrokes of the piano. With each crescendo my thoughts grew more powerful and my typing more intense! With each decrescendo I let my fingers rest and reflect with the slow steady pace of the overture. Was I not writing music of my own? Don't the lines on a staff look remarkably similar to college rule paper? Words would flow almost effortlessly through my fingertips creating a sound similar in beauty, emotion, and inquiry. The only other time I feel lost in my work is when I sew. I could solve the world's problems with a 1" seam allowance. I'm not the best, but when you're lost, it doesn't matter. It is only you and your work.

I mention this because Eunice is one of those rare designers that can pull you into her imagination, and allow you to get lost
with her. You can feel the crescendo in every pleat, gathering, and hem. Getting lost in her work is like winning a golden ticket, and getting stuck in the Wonka factory -- you don't really care to leave. Perhaps I am too quick to make this connection, as her collection "I Dream in Cake" curbed my sweet-tooth.

Where are you from?

Eunice: I was born in Seattle, moved to Hong Kong, and then came back when I was 14 years old.

Darrah: What inspired you to get a degree in fashion design?

Eunice: I've always been interested in art, but I have the typical Asian parents that wanted me to get a bachelors degree to fall back on. So, I went to the University of Washington and got my undergrad in Psychology. However, I still wanted to find something I could wake up everyday and love. I like clothes and like to dress up, so I thought I would go back to school and study fashion design. One month into the program I found out I was pregnant. I was happy though -- even if it did take 3 years to finish an AA!

Darrah: You're a mom?! You look fantastic. How old are you?

Eunice: I'm 28.

Darrah: You need to fill me in on some beauty secrets missy! No wonder why you were thinking about cupcakes and dessert!

Eunice: I really enjoy food. It is big in my family. I must have had a sweet tooth the day I was brainstorming ideas. I like to think that when people look at my clothes -- an impression leaves with them. I like the idea that they can tell a story. I thought of "I Dream in Cake" because dreams are so interesting. Even though I speak more English now, I always dream in Chinese. I have to count in Chinese too, haha! I got this idea that if you love it so much, you dream in it.

Darrah: How were you able to translate this into fabric?

Eunice: I went with the school on a trip to New York and got lost in Mood Fabrics. I felt overwhelmed. There were so many stories, fabrics, and trims! I wanted to stay there forever!

Darrah: How "Project Runway" of you! Can you imagine them having to pick out their fabrics so quickly for some of those challenges?

Eunice: That's crazy.

Darrah: If you had unlimited funds, what kind of collection would you want to produce?

Eunice: It would have to be organic. I interned for an organic denim company, and loved it! In fact, I just set up an interview with a local organic baby company. I hope to get an internship there.

Darrah: What do you love about organics?

Eunice: We make enough waste in the design industry already, so we should help try to save the environment if we can. I also have kids, so I think about the future. Using organics is ideal, however, I don't always use them because I can't afford it. I think if more and more people do it, we can make a difference.

Darrah: What makes you unique?

Eunice: I find the whimsical. I don't take things too seriously. I have a balance between quality and being realistic. I love couture, but my goal is to create clothes people can wear. I want them to think of places they can go with it.

Darrah: That's important because otherwise you won't sell anything! What magazines do you read?

Eunice: I read Lula. It is very small. They don't have a lot of issues. Then, of course -- Vogue and Nylon. I'm actually a big blog reader. I have my own blog as well. I like to feature local events, or any inspiration I see. It is kinda like my journal. I jot things down so I don't forget.

Darrah: What's your favorite blog?

Eunice: Oh there is so many! One of my favorites is Liebemarlene Vintage. I like the idea of recycling. She also sells stuff that she finds. She makes it look so cute!

Darrah: If you could clothe only one person, who would it be? -- and it can't be your kids.

Eunice: Zooey Deschanel. I love her. She is as cute as a button! She has that indie look I just love.

Darrah: As a designer, I'm sure you recognize quality sewing techniques. What do you think of places like Forever-21?

Eunice: Forever21 is great for trendy stuff. I know the clothing doesn't last long, but I still buy it! I am trying to tell myself to buy things that will last. Cute, trendy, but will last in my wardrobe. My forever-21 stuff always stays in the back.

If you'd like to see more work by Eunice, check out her blog, What's your tale, Nightingale? She has a link to her portfolio, and you can comment on her latest inspiration! Who knows -- you could influence future collections!


amy said...

I love the bow, and whimsical-ness of these photos. Such beauty

Vintage Lollipops said...

A whimsy of style... the cape is gorgeous, as are the flirty bows!

GREAT interview!!! xxx

Kira Aderne said...

Hi Darrah!

You are amazing, love this cape so much, your style is perfect and so chic!!! This cape is gorgeous!!!

I love Piano, I wish I could play better ;) heheh

Kisses and hugs,


Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

her collection is gorgeous!! love the styling!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

ps a muslin cloth is used to take off the cream cleanser while gently exfoliates the skin,i would def recommend the liz earle cleanse and polish, they do small sizes to so you could try it out without buying the large size :)

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful discovery, Thank you for inspirational discoveries and great interviews. :))

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful discovery, Thank you for inspirational discoveries and great interviews. :))

Anonymous said...

i love your blog. you're a great writer! And Eunice looks absolutely lovely.


HoneyBunny said...

Wow stunning photos..she looks amazing!
Great interview!

hellosteffi said...

lovelovelove this blog. i have to come back with a cup of tea and read the rest of it.

me melodia said...

She's too precious. Love they styling.

Erin said...

What amazing photos, she is so adorably fashionable and sexy at the same time. I love the interview questions, and getting to know new young designers.

agentnoir said...

Oh I love her even more now- she is the cutest! Can't wait to see more of her designs!

also, i'm totally digging the idea of dreaming in something you love...